Narrative Evolution is a series about how narrative has evolved over time, and about how we as humans evolved our narrative orientation to the world. This series introduces narrative correlationism, an audience-first, anti-auteur philosophy of art that I’ve developed over the course of my 15-year career working professionally as an interactive storyteller. The first 10 installments lay the groundwork for the theory, and explore how it applies to works in traditional media. Starting with installment 11, I will discuss how narrative correlationism is applicable to the participatory arts, and do a deep dive into my own works in the field.
Right now, these all live natively on LinkedIn. At the bottom of each article is a SoundCloud embed with an audio version, for anyone who’d rather listen than read.
#1: The Semantics of Narrative Part I
#2: The Semantics of Narrative Part II
#3: The Semantics of Narrative Part III
#4: The Discourse of Narrative
#5: The Subjectivity of Narrative Part I
#6: The Subjectivity of Narrative Part II
#7: The Syntactics of Narrative
#8: The Character of Narrative
#9: The Pragmatics of Narrative Part I
#10: The Pragmatics of Narrative Part II